Project Management & IT Support Services
Proven Processes for reliability and results
With years of experience staffing the range of public sector initiatives, Public Sector Solutions Group knows what works in government staffing and project management.
We use our proven “Validate, Define, Identify” methodology to cost-effectively match personnel to project requirements. On the job, we team seasoned managers with project specialists of all levels of experience to maximize the sharing of knowledge, exposure to successful practices, and generation of fresh ideas. If any transitions occur during an assignment, we use proven processes to maintain service at a superior level.
To keep the quality of our work consistently high, we administer ongoing training, feedback, customer satisfaction surveys, and staff evaluations throughout each job and evaluate staff management monthly to identify areas of need and improvement.
Solution Suite
Digital Transformation
The goal of layered outreach is to connect with members in a manner they are most comfortable, promoting education, healthy actions/outcomes, and general engagement.
Use Cases
- Records Retention
- Digital Conversion of Hardcopy Records
Managed Services
PS2G keeps members first when constructing solutions in line with our clients. We consider the membership demographics and build in intelligence to verify our assumptions.
Use Cases
- Enterprise Content Management
- Cloud Security
- Contracting
- IT Support
A lean six sigma black belt leads this team with over 10 years of experience in Managed Care and Public Health. Our team uses the rigor of continuous improvement to drive meaningful and sustainable innovation.
Use Cases
- Workflow Automation
- Cyber Security
- Professional Services
- Project Management